Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weekend Warriors (9/10-9/11)

This past weekend was pretty normal.

Friday night I got to watch the 3rd Harry Potter movie with my nephew's! Can't wait to watch #4! 

Saturday morning we got up to meet our free Chickfila breakfast reservation. It's been a while since my husband and I have had a chance to eat out together for any meal, so we went and it was nice that it only cost us $5 for our hash browns and drinks to go with our free chicken biscuits. After breakfast, I took hubby home and then I went back out with Ryan to my niece's very first soccer game. She is six years old, so it really wasn't that exciting, but it was fun to see her out there trying and the team played really well! Go Galaxy! After the game, I did my grocery shopping and came home to chill out. We spent the rest of the day inside and playing with Ryan and watching Gossip Girl on DVD. (I've gotten addicted to that show and I stop keeping up with it on tv.)

Sunday was really boring... I slept a little late (wasn't feeling good), cleaned house, did some laundry and then my Mom, Dad, and Sister came to visit for an hour or so. Ryan had bonked his head, so he was in a foul mood for a while. Not to mention the Falcon's lost. We had wings for dinner from Buffalos - it's been months since I've had those wings... they were SO GOOD!! Went to bed kind of early to prepare for my week of watching kiddos!

Ready for the game!

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