Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Year Anniversary

Not only has the morning of September 11, 2001 changed the face of America forever, but the terrible tragedies that occurred on this day also have a huge impact on the way we travel.

Pre 9/11: I'd never been on an airplane before, so I would have never thought or considered anyone using an airplane as a weapon, or as a way to attack our country. I was still young and very naive about the way of the world. 
9/11: I was 16 years old and sitting in my US History class at Jonesboro High School. We were taking a test and I remember the journalism teacher coming from across the hall to tell us what was going on, our teacher finally turned on the television in the classroom and I saw footage of the second plane hit. It was such a surreal moment. I know GA is really far away from NYC, but I still felt so close to those people, my hurt was all the same. I began to pray. Once I got home from school I remembering learning more about the story, about Flight 93 and the Pentagon. 

Post 9/11: I flew for my first time ever while dating an ex-boyfriend, he's a pilot, so my first flight was in a small plane, not a commercial one. Once I flew commercially, I wasn't as nervous as those small planes made me feel. Two years ago, in 2009, I flew into DC on September 11th for a visit with my cousin. I was extremely nervous, but knew that my God would take care of me. 

Today mark's 10 years since the original event in 2001 and this country has come a long way... I still continue to pray for the families that lost loved ones, for the first responders just doing their jobs, for the men and women that continue to serve this country in our armed forces, and for our country and it's leadership.


  1. I still wish that 9/11 never existed. Well God knows best. Thanks for linking up at monday mingle hop. Looking forward being part of your blog.

  2. Thank you very much for the follow. Hope to see you around!



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