Monday, May 23, 2011

The Arrival of Ryan Wesley Addison

Ryan Wesley
Born 5/20/2011
4:32 pm
7 lbs 12 ounces
20 inches

I figured for those of you out in blogger land that actually read this thing and want to know more about my baby's birth story, then I would share. (I will censor as much as possible!)

My day of labor started at about 3 am on Friday morning, the 20th. I woke up to use the restroom and I was cramping real bad (think period cramps on steroids). I went back to bed with the thought that it was pain due to being constipated, and all I really wanted to do was get some more sleep. When the clock struck six am, I was still awake, tossing and turning in pain and realizing that my tummy was contracting. I started to time them - I ended up having nine in the first hour. My OB had told me just the day before at my check up that ten in one hour meant go to the hospital.

I called the answering service for my OB office and my Doc called me back - I had lost some more mucous and was still contracting so she told me to head on to the hospital. I woke up Wesley - he called into work and we made our forty-five minute drive. We were there in no time... I say that because I wasn't focused on the road, I was focused on the pain in my belly and a baby that was kicking me due to not enjoying the contractions as well. It was about 8:30 am when we finally got to the hospital. My Mom met us there.

I walked onto the L&D floor - got signed in and placed in a room right away. I was still contracting about every five to eight minutes and it was getting worse and closer together. I was having a hard time focusing on anything other than breathing through the pain. More family showed up while we waited on my epidural to come and for me to progress more. I was already four centimeters dilated and 80% effaced when we got there. My midwife came in to check me - said that the baby was already low and that she could start to feel his head.

It didn't take long before I got my epidural and let me tell you, that's the most WONDERFUL thing invented EVER! I was very happy to not feel the pain of the contractions - I was already to the point of tears when they finally were able to get the catheter in.

My midwife came in soon after to check me and I ended up being fully effaced, she had to reach around the baby's head to check - but I was only seven centimeters dilated. This was when the nurse brought in some pitocin for my IV to help me along... this was around lunchtime. It took a few more hours, but by around three pm, I was feeling the need to start pushing.

The midwife and nurses were ready for me to start pushing around three-fifteen... I was already way past ready! My epidural had worn off enough for me to feel the pressure of the baby and he was so close to coming out already. I don't remember a lot about being in labor and pushing but I have heard plenty of stories from my Mom and Wesley to know that apparently I'm entertaining while in labor!

According to them, I was apologizing a lot about many things. All I remember saying was that I was hot and that it hurts. I was sweating like crazy and my poor husband had the duty of fanning me over and over again. My pulse kept racing and Ryan wasn't too keen on the idea of coming out at all for a long while. He kept pulling himself back in between contractions. I remember talking to him, encouraging him to come out and meet me.

Once I had pushed for about an hour already, I was feeling tired. My midwife was worried about my pulse and about my ability to complete the pushing process. She called in my OB, whom was planning on coming in to vacuum Ryan out, so that it would not put any more stress on either of us. (They were trying to keep me from having to have a c-section). They did all they could to get me to slow my breathing, I kept oxygen on between contractions to help me regulate my breaths.

Once my OB showed up, I was still trying to push him out by myself. The nurses wanted me to wait and let some contractions pass and to rest for a few minutes, but the contractions hurt and I felt like I needed to push, so they let me. My OB jumped right in, trying to help Ryan out while I was pushing. Her and I together delivered my baby. At this point I was screaming while pushing that it hurt... and at one point they had me re-adjust to pull my legs into my chest and I grabbed the side of the bed to pull myself up - apparently hitting one of the buttons. My OB was asking me why she was moving... I was moving the bed to lift her off the ground. Wesley and my Mom said that I apologized to her about a hundred times after that. Haha.

Once I delivered him, he was placed on my belly, I was crying so hard by then and didn't have my glasses on so I could barely see him but he was still so beautiful to me. I loved him so much just at that first glance. Wes cut the cord and followed him over to the warmer to see him get measured and cleaned up. We got to keep him in the room for a while... the family members that were there all got to come in and see him, especially Papa (Wes's Dad) - who now shares a birthday with his grandson.

It was a very special day. I'm still recovering from a third degree tear and from being so sore. I'm limited in what I can do, but spending all my time with this precious baby boy.

PS. I will share more photos later!


  1. Congrats guys - BNC

  2. Congrats! He is precious! Enjoy these first precious days and weeks as they go by so fast!

  3. Once he decided that he wanted to come, he came fairly quickly! I am glad that he is finally here and doing well! Hope you are all doing well with the adjustment to having him! :) He is adorable!



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