Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pregnancy Dreams!

I was forewarned about crazy dreams while you are pregnant... and I have had some messed up ones! I don't have them every night and I don't always remember them... but some of the REALLY crazy ones I do remember for a while and enough to share them with my husband.

The one that made me laugh the most was about myself playing World of Warcraft, a few weeks ago. I played a Warlock that could transform into a Hippo, a Giraffe, and a Tiger. It was a bit strange I admit... but still kind of funny. I don't remember much else about the dream.

Night before last I dreamed about Dr. Phil's television show... but it was about people that had been on his show before and were back to chew him out because his "advice" ruined their or someone in their family's lives. The one that stands out is this woman that was addicted to chocolate. Dr. Phil had told her to stop eating it, but if she was truly craving some then she should allow herself an indulgence every now and then... so she did. She ate so much chocolate in one sitting that she ended up in the hospital with food poisoning and she blamed Dr. Phil for all those problems.

Last night, I dreamed that I was back in high school and actually dating my ex's little brother. That was REALLY strange and messed up!! In the dream, I had apparently already dated Matt - and that had ended badly, so when I started to date his brother - we had to keep it a secret. There was a lot of sneaking around and secret rendezvous. I woke up thinking "that's effed up". LOL

I'm not saying that I would interpret these dreams a certain way... I'm chocking it all up to this pregnancy and all the hormones and things going on in my body due to the baby and all. I just wanted to share with people how crazy my dreams are! (:

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