Wednesday, April 6, 2011

7 Weeks to Go! (:

I can't believe that in hopefully less than 7 weeks I will get to meet my baby boy and see his sweet little face! I can not wait to see what he looks like... what color his hair is, what color his eyes will be and if he has my nose! (:

Also, this weekend is my last baby shower - when all my family is coming to town to celebrate Ryan's arrival. I can't wait to see them all, and my closest friends - the ones that are basically family to me!

Tomorrow I get to go have my pre-natal massage done at Spa Sydell in Midtown. I'm really looking forward to the one hour of relaxation and getting pampered the way a woman deserves to get pampered! I've never had a professional massage before... so I'm looking forward to the new experience. Then, tomorrow evening my SIL is helping me add some blonde to my hair for the summer... I'm so excited for the change!! I've been wanting to do something different with my hair for a while now.

On friday, I have to go to the dentist to get a molar looked at. I broke it last weekend, well, a corner of it, and so I need to go find out what my options are on getting it fixed! I hope that it's not in too bad of shape that I need a crown... I hope that he can just take the filling that's already there out, and re-fill the tooth. I guess we'll see what happens on Friday.

Here is what 3D pregnancy has to say for 33 weeks:

The big news this week is lung development—baby's respiratory system is almost completely mature. That means if your baby was born this week, odds are he'd be a healthy bouncing baby with a just a little help from his friends (aka, the NICU). Some of the specifics are:

Your baby can now detect light and tell the difference between night and day (of course that ability will miraculously disappear once he's born and up all night screaming). His pupils will constrict and dilate in response to light. If you shine a flashlight on your belly, your baby may shy away from the light as if to say, "Cut it out, Ma. You're soooo annoying."

The bones in your baby's skull are soft and are not yet fused together. In other words, now is not the time to teach him how to do a headspin while breakdancing. This pliability allows the bones to overlap; making that trip down the tight birth canal possible (and resulting in that surprising cone head look your baby will sport for the first few days post-birth. Don't worry, it's totally normal and that's what hats are for.)

Your baby will continue to pack on the pounds gaining around ½ pound a week from here on out.

Your baby weighs about 4½ pounds, as much as a grownup duck, and is approximately 17.5 inches long.

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