Monday, June 21, 2010

New Book!! :)

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella by Stephanie Meyer

I decided to pick this one up on Saturday when the hubs and I ventured into Books-a-Million. I had gone in to get the newest Women's Murder Club book by James Patterson. I was glad to see this one on the shelf - bought it, brought it home and started it. Unfortunately I am not quite done with it yet, but I will be today, hopefully. So far I am loving it!

I never thought we would get to see into the world that these newborn vampires had to live through while waiting on Victoria to make her move on Bella. It's been so interesting to read something by SM that isn't in Bella's POV. I am very much enjoying the story and can't wait to finish it. I will edit post with more throughts later.

Here is some praise for SM.

"Meyer has, like one of her vampires, turned into something rare and more than merely human.... People do not want to just read Meyer's books; they want to climb inside them and live there." -Time

"Piles on the suspense and romance."
-USA Today

"A literary phenomenon." -The New York Times

"[Stephenie Meyer is] the world's most popular vampire novelist since Anne Rice."
-Entertainment Weekly


This little novella was AMAZING! I finally got a chance to finish it and was glad to be able to see Bree's side of the story that ends in the clearing with the Cullen's and the Volturi! Now I'm totally ready to see Eclipse on the big screen! :)


  1. I keep meaning to pick this up next time I go to the book store! can't wait to read it!

  2. OMG! I just finished it, it's soooo good!! :)



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