Friday, November 2, 2012

30 Days of Thanks

I'm making this post to keep up with what I post on Facebook for the 30 days of Thanks. So keep checking back to see what I'm thankful for! (:

1. Today I am thankful for a loving and forgiving God! He died on the cross for me and I know I'll have eternal life with him in Heaven! Missing my Gramps today, but thankful I know where he is and that one day I will see him again! Love you, Gramps!!

2. Today I am thankful for my husband - the man who stole my heart when I thought it was time to give up on love; the man who loves, supports and appreciates me even on my cranky days; the man who works for our family's living and has given more than I could ever even ask for! He's the rock in my life and I would have never gotten through this last year without him! Wesley, I love you!

3. Today I am thankful for modern medicine and doctors who have extended office hours! Ryan and I both went this morning - coughing and congested. We are doing better now, but it's been a long day! 

4. Today I am thankful for Lifesong church and the people it's brought into my life! I pray daily for them and love them all like family! They are kind, considerate, and caring when it comes to me an my family! 

5. Today I am thankful for my sister Stephanie - she is such an amazing, loving person! She is one of the most important people in my life. I'm thankful she took my dog, Larson, when I didn't think I'd find him a home. She is beautiful inside and out; she has a super creative mind; and she is a great Aunt to Ryan! Love ya, Steph!  

6. Today I am thankful that my voice can be heard! Get out today and vote! Praying for today and remembering we are "ONE Nation Under God". 

7. Today I am thankful for all the little things: getting my hair done, sleeping in clean, warm sheets, early morning coffee, baby smiles, toddler love and dinner plans with some great friends! I'm going to focus on the good things and rely on my faith to get through the next four years.  

8.Today I am thankful for my parents and all that they have done for me and my little family. Not only did they raise me to be who I am today, but they have continued to remain a huge part of my life, and my son's life as well. I love them very much and look forward to a future full of love, and giving them more grandkids to love!

9. Today I am thankful for Netflix - helping keep me sane in an insane world! (Catching up on Bones, hoping the put the next season up soon!)

10. Today I am thankful for my Dad's home-grilled burgers! Yum! (:

11. Today I am thankful to all the branches of military who serve this country and fight for my freedom! Also, remembering veterans today, thank you for your service! Remembering specifically my Gramps who served in the Air Force.

12. Today I am thankful for my best friend and cousin, Kim Chance! Not only is she my blood, but she's connected to me by heart as well! Double trouble as kids and now we are just as much more trouble as adults! She's the first person I call when life gets hard, and she's the only person who knows and understands me on that level that matters. I love her with all my heart and look forward to our futures as Mom's! (Also, I can't wait to plan our 30th trip together!) Love you girl!     

13. Today I am thankful for my sister, Renee Smith. She doesn't always hear it from me, but I love and appreciate everything she does for me and my little family! I'm looking forward to her wedding in the future and wishing her well in her life! Love you Sis! 

14. Today I am thankful for a lady who became my friend at a time when my life was changing drastically and she helped to make it a smoother process for me... more than once. Marlena Worthan Bell has been a great friend through the past three years and I don't know what  I would do without her. She was the one around the most when I was pregnant and when Ryan was born, she was the person I looked to when I needed advice on being a new Mom. She was also the one who turned around and came back to my house after I called her about my Gramps, to give hugs and support. Thank you for being my friend, especially for helping me make it through some tough times. Love ya, girl!  

15. Today I am thankful for my new friend Laura Ricks Miller. I've known her for over a year now, but we've just recently become closer than ever. She is an amazing woman and a true friend! She is a SAHM as well so she's around when I need someone to talk to during the day... and she is always willing to listen, no matter how small my problem. I love her already! I look forward to many more years of her family and mine being close! I love that our husbands get along and that we can hang out as families and have a good time!  

16. Today I am thankful for my online friend Mariska. She is such an awesome girl and she is always challenging me. She was there with me through all my years of dealing with my Ex and she also shares my love of One Tree Hill. She's stronger than she knows and I love that we have a relationship where we can encourage one another and also teach one another. I've learned alot from her over the past few years and I look forward to meeting her face to face one day. She's such a talented photographer as well as a creative person!

17. Today I am thankful for another friend of mine, Bobbie Stanley! She is a rock in my life and I love her to pieces. She is that one person that I can literally be brutally honest with and bare my soul to without fear of judgement in any way. She's the person who shares my love of music, tattoos and Adam Levine! She is a person that I want in my life for years to come. I love that our boys are close to the same age and that we don't live too far away from one another! I can't wait to go visit her in March for the Maroon 5, Neon Trees and Owl City concert! (:

18. Today I am thankful for my lifelong friend Devin Ragnow... she ended up farther down this list than I originally planned, but I've also known her the longest. She's such a great friend and it's not uncommon for us to not talk or visit for a while, but when we do, it's like there was never even any distance between us! I love her with all my heart and I appreciate her so much! She's got so much potential in this life and I can't wait to see where her future goes! Love you, girl! 

19. Thankful for great friends and a mountain getaway that cost way less than most!


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