Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blog Challenge Update

Well, I've just completed week two of the Blog Challenge: 31 Days to a Better Blog.

So far this experience has helped me broaden the scope of who I'm writing for on my blog and most of the time it's written for just me! I'm learning a lot about myself through out this experience and I'm so excited to move forward with it! I still have four more weeks of challenges so be on the look out for a lot more blog content.

Here is a run down of the last two weeks.

Day1: The first day was all about examining my statistics on this blog. I installed Google Analytics and have been keeping track of the pageviews I get, where people visit from, the sites they come from and much more. We will be checking them again at the end of the challenge to see how much they actually change.

Day 2: We had to find a blogging buddy - on that day I found a few and have found a few since that day as well. We can use them for feedback and guest posts as needed. It's been a great way to get to know other bloggers in my niche of blogging about parenting and all.

Day 3: Making plans. This was the day that I started making plans for my 'Parental Hot Topics' posts for the next several weeks, as well as some of the other repeated posts that you see like Wordless Wednesdays and Friday Morning Coffee. It was fun sitting down and writing some plans and doing some research to try and beef up the ol' blog.

Day 4: Brainstorming. Simple as that. (:

Day 5: List posting!! This was when I thought of and created my list post of the Top Ten People that my friends should follow on Twitter! It turned out to be a great post and I've even got some new followers out of the deal!

Day 6: Choosing our social media outlet - I chose to stick with my main man, Twitter! I use that one for everything! When I update this blog, it automatically posts to twitter, which then auto updates my Facebook page too. Works for me, all I have to do is post or share from here!

Day 7: We were to look up and join a forum from our blogging niche. Done and done, like a long time ago! I already am on and post on many parenting forums.

Day 8: Monitoring, we learned how to set up our blogs to send alerts via a feed reader. This thing is amazing and I'm so glad they showed us how to do it and how it works!

Day 9: Opinion Posting! I posted my opinions on being a Stay at Home Mom - I've gotten some good feedback and some negative... but most of all it was a good post to put up.

Day 10: Refresh and Repeat. We were supposed to refresh a page on the blog, give it a new feel or a new look. To take a look at some of the most viewed pages and vamp them up again with a new look or attitude. 

Everyone over at the 31 Days Challenge Facebook page has been super supportive through this whole thing and super encouraging as well. I'm enjoying meeting all kinds of new people and I've added tons and tons of new blogs to my list of ones to read daily! I look forward to the rest of the challenge and reading and learning more in the accompanying book. Thank you to all of those who have been supportive thus far and I hope to see you back time and time again!

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