Friday, September 9, 2011

I choose to Vaccinate...

This has been a HUGE topic of conversation around my family and friends for months now... whether or not to vaccinate our babies.

I chose to vaccinate Ryan.

I'd like to state that my reasons are purely because I was vaccinated as a child, and I remain as healthy today as I was then, for the most part. I expect that everything with Ryan will be fine as well. His first round at two months went great, he didn't even develop the fever that many people warned me about. One of the first shots is now given orally as a liquid and he got one shot in each thigh. He didn't like being held down, but after it was over, I soothed him and he went to sleep. It was over all a good visit to the doctor's office. I go back later this month for his second round at 4 months old. I expect things to go as well, or close to it, as they did the first time. He might cry a little more, he's more aware of his surroundings now, but that's to be expected at his age.

There are a lot of studies out there, but none that are 100% proving that immunizations ARE going to cause problems. Most of the articles and studies I have read up on are completely inconclusive. It's just my opinion, and I know that in some cases things turned out differently, but talking to my Pediatrician and getting her input was really what put me at ease. I think that if you are struggling with this decision, that is the one other person who will know your baby(babies) as well as, if not better, than you do. I think their input and opinions matter on whether they think baby's body can handle the shots and withstand anything the shots might do to their bodies. I've heard of side effects, but have yet to experience any. I hope that Ryan doesn't ever have any. I will cross that road if we ever get to it.

I'd like to hear from friends/family who have made the same decision or another decision, and what their reasons are for choosing one way or the other.

No fighting please - this is an opinion zone... play nice!


  1. Very much support your choice...
    I know there are concerns, but none are proven as of yet, and as a mama who has already lost a child to death (a genetic disease)...if I can do anything to prevent preventable problems/illnesses...I want to do that.
    Just thoughts...

  2. Thanks for sharing Kara... I agree. I think I made the right choice for my son! There are a lot more risks than rewards to not vaccinating your child. That's my personal and biased opinion! (: I'm also sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers are with you and your family now!



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