Friday, May 6, 2011

Updates on Life and Baby...

Well... It's been a long boring week at home this time around, I haven't had a lot to do but house work and that's just NO FUN at all! We did go out on Wednesday evening for dinner with some of our closest friends - we went by Chow Baby, one of my favorite places to eat down town. I had to inform my hubby that this was the last time we are going that far from the house and the hospital. (: We are getting close to go time and I'm just scared that if we get too far away that something bad will happen... I know that's a little naive and far-fetched, but I'd rather be safe than sorry!

I'm over 37 weeks now, so we are down to I think about only twenty days until my due date. I'm excited and very anxious for all of the new things coming into our life with this baby. I went to the doctor yesterday and for those of you who can decipher the terms - I'm dilated to one centimeter and I'm 70% effaced which according to my doctor is a good exam! I was glad to hear that, but I also got the news that my strep b test came back positive... so when I go into labor, they will have to put my on an antibiotic to keep me from getting Ryan sick. Apparently it's pretty common for women to carry this form of strep in her lady parts and it never to be an issue until the chance comes for it to transfer to a newborn through vaginal birth. My doctor informs me that it's pretty common and not something I should worry about all that much - I will be on medication that will keep Ryan safe... I just pray that this is true!

We don't have a lot planned the next few days - Sunday is Mother's day and I look forward to seeing my Mom. I spent lunchtime yesterday with my Mother in Law and had a BLAST hanging out with her - so that quota is filled! (Love you Gail!) It also gave me a huge chance to talk to her about Wesley as a baby and I'm hoping and praying that my baby loves his sleep as much as she said Wesley loved his! (: We shall see!!

Next week is looking pretty grim and boring for me as well - I do more sleeping than anything else these days, but let me tell you sleep feels good! Sitting in an upright position does not - so I lay down and rest a lot! My toes and fingers have been a bit swollen, but I'm still hovering at about only 30 lbs gained so far during this pregnancy in which I am VERY proud of! I was afraid I would blow up like a balloon since this was my first pregnancy. I do look forward to getting my body back though - I feel as if I've been invaded for too long!

I am excited about the next few weeks... and hope to report soon that Ryan is here and he's healthy! Keep your eyes open for photos and news on facebook in the coming weeks! I will try to keep everyone updated!


  1. The days will fly will be time before you know it! :) 70% effaced is great! I had those same numbers the first check I had! haha! The strep b thing will be fine! :) I couldn't have the regular meds for it, and Lucas was still fine. Good luck in the coming days and keep getting that rest! You will need it! The first weeks when they have to eat often you will be wishing you could. I will tell you the best advice I got and did with Lucas was "Sleep when he sleeps!" The housework can wait, so nap when he does! And then once he gets to sleeping through the night worry about the other stuff! Excited for you guys and look forward to little Ryan getting here! :)

  2. Thank you very much for the comment and advice! I will be sleeping when he does, too many people have told me that, so it has to be true! (: I'm so ready for him to be here... and I can't wait to see his sweet face!



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