Monday, February 21, 2011

27 Weeks -13 More to Go!

Here is what 3D Pregnancy has to say this week:

The light at the end of the tunnel is growing brighter for both you and your baby. With only 13 weeks left (give or take a couple of days), it's time to enjoy the ride because it's getting shorter. (This is the point on the roller coaster where you throw your arms in the air and wail like there's no tomorrow. Wee!)

Baby's lungs and immune system are maturing this week as baby prepares for his grand entrance. If he were born today he would have an 85 percent chance of surviving as his lungs are capable of breathing air (with medical assistance, of course). Other exciting developments:

Baby's done a lot of growing over the past few months. His length has more than doubled in the past 15 weeks! And that's not the only thing growing—baby's brain tissue and neurons are all developing at a rapid pace. His brain waves are now firing away just like those of a newborn baby. If baby is a he, his testes will have completely descended at this point.

Your baby now weighs in at approximately 14½ inches and just over 2 pounds, or about the size of that roast you made last time your in-laws were in town. (OK, the baby is the size of that roast you meant to cook before you decided that ordering Chinese was a much better idea.)

This week is going to be interesting... I'm training the new girl at work and looking forward to not working after the 28th. I really excited about my opportunity to stay home... but still a little worried about the financial part of it. I hope things work out for us and that I don't have to find another job right away after the baby comes. I'm getting better at coupon shopping... so I'm hoping that will help save us some money in the long run.

I'm really looking forward to the next 3 months too - I have baby showers scheduled; I get to schedule my prenatal massage that my hubby got me for Valentine's day; and I get to finish working on the nursery to get ready for Ryan's arrival! I have a lot of things to look forward too, but I'm still a little nervous about delivery. I'm hoping my childbirth class in March will help calm these fears and give me some calm thoughts about the hospital too. I'm looking forward to our tour of the maternity floor and learning what all we have to do to get checked in!

Is it sad that I'm also looking forward to being able to wear my pajamas all day and my flip flops when I leave the house!? I'm so ready for flip flop weather!! I am going consignment shopping a few times in the next two months... so I look forward to buying Ryan some new clothes and also to maybe finding somethings for myself as well.

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