Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Work In Progress...

I'm not perfect, pretty far from it actually.
I get easily ticked off when things don't go the way I expect them to.
I tend to shut down when I'm in a crummy mood.
I judge people when I shouldn't.
I'm not always the easiest person to be around... especially when I'm pregnant.
I love a good cry - the ugly kind that makes my mascara run.
I have a hard time being patient. 
I skim sometimes when I read a book and the chapter gets boring.
I am terrible at remembering to return phone calls that I've missed.
I tend to ignore most of my house work until it becomes a problem (i.e. I have no clothes to wear or the kitchen sink stinks!)
I am a worrier.
I forget to pray daily.
I try to see the best in people, but get upset when they disappoint me.
I don't trust people easily.
I am not always 'done up' when I leave my house - I've been known to hit up the store in my PJ's!
I take short cuts.
I'm an avid mistake maker.
I forget to pay bills.
I sometimes forget to eat meals, and just snack all day. (Especially since being pregnant again.)
I try to devote my time to God in the mornings, but it rarely works out that way.
I put things off until the are a necessity, instead of a suggestion.
I have a hard time forgiving and forgetting.
I'm horrible at keeping in touch with most people.
I have been know to have an attitude. Much like back in my teenage days.
I would be a hermit if it weren't for my friends.
I have a temper, and I'm not afraid to use it.

I get obsessed over the smallest things.
I'm a work in progress.

1 comment:

  1. YOU are the perfect friend for me:
    YOU have almost ALL the same flaws as me!
    YOU lift me up when I am down!
    YOU force ME out of my hermit lifestyle!
    YOU judge all the same people in all the same ways as me...and we can do it with just a look!
    YOU helped me know God when I needed Him most!
    YOU are an incredible mother, friend, daughter, sister!
    YOU can be counted on to have sweets in the house!
    YOU have perfectly cheesey taste in movies!
    YOU have a door that I don't even have to knock on because I know I am welcome!
    YOU are the PERFECT friend to ME!



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