Thursday, August 30, 2012

75 Things About Me

I have a few new readers now so I figured it was time for an updated list of things about me...

1. I like to read fantasy and adventure books.
2. I also like to read romance, mystery, and crime dramas.
3. Stubborn.
4. Faithful.
5. Honest.
6. True to Myself.
7. I don't deal well with confrontation.
8. Child of God.
9. I like all kinds of music, almost every genre (except heavy metal).
10. Creative.
11. I love to do research.
12. I LOVE scary movies.
13. I'm addicted to really bad reality tv shows like Big Brother and Bachelor Pad.
14. My favorite colors are: brown, pink and teal/turquoise.
15. Prefer dogs, hate cats.
16. I like to play lame and addictive games on my Iphone like Draw Something and Matching with Friends.
17. I love the beach.
18. I also love the mountains.
19. Storms are my worst nightmare.
20. I am scared of spiders and just about any other bug.
21. I try really hard to be patient.
22. I have a temper and even though I'm 27, I am still learning how to keep it under control.
23. Addicted to chocolate.
24. And coffee.
25. I'm trying hard to be healthy and to walk daily.
26. I am known to be lazy sometimes.
27. I love to travel.
28. New York, Vegas, LA and Chicago are on my list of places I want to visit one day.
29. So are: London, Paris, Italy, and Spain.
30. I'm 1/3 Cherokee Indian.
31. My family is also Norwegian.
32. I love RICE!
33. Mexican food will be the death of me one day.
34. I'm lactose intolerant.
35. I've had some tough times in life, all of which I would do over again just to be where I am now.
36. I love being a Mom.
37. I was born to be a house wife.
38. Dancing is not something I'm good at, but love to do.
39. Going out to a bar for drinks and time with friends is a fun night.
40. So is staying in and watching a movie with a glass of wine.
41. I enjoy learning new things and meeting new people.
42. I get anxious easily.
43. I also get my feelings hurt easily.
44. My friends are everything to me.
45. But my family is so much more.
46. I love to write down quotes that means something.
47. Despite the odds, I did finish Ryan's baby book!
48. I want more kids.
49. Warm hearted.
50. Kind.
51. I don't make friends easily although I love to meet new people.
52. Fidgety.
53. I tend to get obsessed with keeping my house clean.
54. Organized.
55. Love babies/children. They are my weakness and my burden in life.
56. I would adopt many children today if we could afford it.
57. Giving.
58. I don't do well when speaking in front of people.
59. Hopeful.
60. I tend to get sick alot but hate going to the doctor.
61. I enjoy putting vague statuses on facebook/twitter.
62. Disney movies gave me a false hope for love.
63. Fiesty.
64. Happy.
65. Loving.
66. I adore sticky notes, calendars, planners and things of that nature.
67. I miss having a desk job.
68. I don't miss having to deal with people on a daily basis.
69. I'm loving being a SAHM!
70. I'm into MMA.
71. I put aside a lot of things to spend time with my son daily. The work can wait.
72. I believe in Heaven.
73. Cautious.
74. I'm addicted to my DVR and there are MANY shows I watch!
75. Jesus Christ is my Savior!


  1. LOL Wow, soooo many things on this list in common with you! But it must be the right balance, because other things I'm just the opposite on! Love it, thanks for sharing!



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