Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Movie Review!

Chloe: This movie was VERY disturbing, and it was weird to see Amanda Seyfried in such a seductive role! The basic plot of this movie is that the wife (Julianne Moore) thinks her husband (Liam Neeson) is cheating on her. She hires Chloe (Amanda Seyfried) to seduce him... the story gets much deeper and twists and turns until you find out that Chloe is in this to seduce the wife, not the husband.

I would not suggest anyone under the age of 18 to see this movie because of the naughty nature and the nudity and sex scenes! It's very ADULT and LEWD and I didn't think it would be as seductive as it was. That took my by surprise. It's not a bad conspiracy movie, but they could have done without all the nudity in it - and sex scenes. The plot was interesting and it was one of those movies that I NEVER would have been able to predict the end of just by watching the first 20 minutes.

The movie's tagline is "If the one you love was lying to you, how far would you go to find out the truth? " I don't think I would go as far as this wife did, that's for sure!

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