Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Making Exercise a Priority

Ideas to work in workouts
By Amy Clark

Finding time to exercise can be difficult, but it’s worth every minute you can invest into it. Not only is it great for you, but it sets a powerful example for your children. When your children see you moving, they want to move too.

Here are some quick tips for making exercise a priority in your life:

1. Make it quick and convenient.Try aiming for just 30 minute sessions and do what fits best with your schedule. If going to the gym doesn't work for you right now, stick to a workout DVD. If you can't manage either, try a brisk walk around your neighborhood. Put your gym equipment where it will be used in your home, not in a rarely used and inconvenient basement.

2. Make an appointment with yourself. Find the times that work best for you and do it every single day. Don’t do the workouts when you think you should workout, but do it when it’s best for you and your family.

3. Get pumped up. Find what motivates you to get moving and incorporate that. Music is a powerful motivator for me. I create playlists that I can turn on while I do my workouts. I also love to get music from the local library and play that or load fresh music into my layerdigital music player for working out. Others are motivated by having a workout buddy or making a daily date with a girlfriend at the gym. If you have an older child that can be your workout buddy, it will help you build up that relationship and stay physically active at the same time. Whatever it is, find what motivates you and get your body moving.

4. Buy some workout gear. Buy a few good workout pieces for yourself and try washing your tennis shoes to freshen them up. To wash them, just slip off the laces and throw the shoes in the washer. Wash them on a warm setting with a little laundry detergent. After they are done, stuff the interior of the shoes with newspaper (to help hold its shape and also to absorb any lingering odors) and let them dry outside in the sunshine. Fresh workout gear can make all the difference in how you feel about yourself and can help you commit to making exercise a priority.

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